Friday 1 February 2019

The Kernow Carlton Cup team tournament

Sunday 14th April 2019, Sir Ben Ainsley Centre, Truro TR1 1TH

Conditions of entry:

·         All players must be 16 or over

·         Any players who have played more than once for Cornwall senior or junior teams matches in the last 3 years are ineligible

·         Cornwall veteran players are eligible

·         All players play at their own risk

Play and teams:

·         Each team will consist of 1 men’s pair, 1 women’s and 2 mixed (these can be the same or different players)

·         Clubs can enter more than one team, subject to court time availability

·         There will be groups of approx. 4 teams, including social and league teams, so each team will have a minimum of 3 matches

·         Each match will consist of 1 men’s, I women’s, and 2 mixed doubles games

·         Each game will consist of 2 ends to 21 points with no setting, unless time is limited

·         There will be no handicapping

·         Feather shuttles will be used

·         There will be play-offs of group winners with the winning team receiving the Carlton Cup

Entry fee - £60 per team, so approx. £15 per player, unless more players are used. Cheques payable to Cornwall County Badminton Association on entry. Entry fees will not be refundable for late cancellations.

Name of team: ___________________________________________________

From which League or Social Club: ___________________________________

Team players names:





Team contact – Name: _____________________________________________                                                  

Email: _________________________________Phone: ___________________                                    

Signed: ________________________________Date: _____________________                                                                       

Entries to Lyndon Allen, 01726 63245, 11 Chipponds Drive, St Austell PL25 5DE

Closing Date 31.3.19, but first come, first served, as space is limited!