Sunday 17 October 2010

A Bonanza of Badminton in Penryn

An excellent day’s badminton for nearly 60 players from all over Cornwall and Plymouth took place in Penryn College’s impressive sports hall on Saturday 16th October.

The event, promoted and run by Cornwall County Badminton Association, was for social and league players to have a chance to play competitively in a tournament against new opponents, and it was a great success.

Tim Jones, Badminton England’s Regional Development Officer, was on hand to thank everyone, and to encourage local players to attend a meeting on 25th October at 7pm in Penryn, to discuss setting up a new league club to promote badminton in the Falmouth and Penryn area.

Winners and Runners up of the Bonanza –

Mens social singles winner – Dominic Thomas, runner up – Martin Penney
Mens league singles winner – Ryan Lambourne, runner up - Trevelyan Searle
Mens social doubles winners – Mike Ezra and Mark Griffiths, runners up – Andy Long and Bob Birch
Mens league doubles winners – Simtak Yau and Mike Finch, runners up Trev Searle and Alex Smith
Ladies social doubles winners – Zelda Bennett and Marnie Boston
Runners up – Alison Turpie and Dee Frost
Ladies league doubles winners – Celia Hillman and Pat Edwards
Runners up - Tracy Watkinson and Bev Grant
Mixed social doubles winners – Keith Wingett and Sarah Catterall
Runners up - Mike Ezra and Joan Bontoft
Mixed league doubles winners – Alex Smith and Wendy Smith
Runners up – Adrian Brown and Bev Grant