Tuesday 10 January 2012


Badminton’s over 45 and 60s teams had a great weekend of veterans badminton in Bournemouth, playing against other counties from all over the south and west over 2 days of top class play.

The 60s team, led by Brian Hannibal, came an excellent 2nd in their group, after some tense and exciting battles against the likes of Devon, Sussex, Surrey and Dorset.

The 45s team, playing in this age group for the first time, finished a very creditable 3rd, following some close encounters with Buckinghamshire, Surrey, Wiltshire and the Isle of Wight.The annual weekend, organised by Badminton England, is always an enjoyable feast of badminton where the counties’ top vets display their skill and cunning in competitive matches, as well as their best moves on the dance floor on the Saturday night.

Not only did Cornwall’s teams do well on court, they were also voted best-dressed county, in their immaculate evening finery, and smart new daytime playing shirts.

Team photos left to right:

Cornwall 45s – Alan Riggs, Lorna Riggs, Pete Bazin, Sue Biscoe, Adam Widdison, Jan Santillo, Bob Bell, Lynda Beer

Cornwall 60s – George Whetter, Celia Hilman, Chris Marr, Brian Hannibal, Pat Edwards, Vera Nancekivell, Bill Edgar, Phil Oland